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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning
Disposable Head & Chin Strap Positioners

Disposable Head & Chin Strap Positioners

ProductID: 800-0039
Customer Service
For product pricing and information, please call our Customer Service Team at 781-531-9164 or fill out the Request a Quote form.

Disposable Head & Chin Strap Positioners hold head securely during the operative procedure. VELCRO® brand fasteners are soft and pliable and attach to head frame. 12/cs.

Instructions for Use

We recommend becoming familiar with the features of this patient positioning device before using it with a patient. You should always practice its use on a nurse, physician or appropriate volunteer prior to using it clinically. 

  1. Place the patient on the surgical table/shoulder chair in the supine position
  2. After the patient is intubated, while holding the patient’s head and neck raise the shoulder chair up so that the patient is in the Fowler (sitting) position
  3. Loosen the ball joint and adjust the head positioner around the patient’s head making sure the patient’s ears are free and not covered and tighten the ball joint
  4. While holding the head positioner flaps along side of the patient’s head, place the Forehead Strap across the forehead as shown. Snug down securely and avoid going over the patient’s eyebrows.
  5. Next take the Chin Strap (cup for the chin) and place the patient’s chin in the cup of the strap. While holding the cup to the chin, secure one side of the strap to the head positioner as shown. Making sure the head is properly positioned and secure the other end of the strap to the opposite side of the head positioner.
NOTE: The head should be securely positioned. If not, make the straps a little tighter.

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