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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning
Great White Maxima Stirrups

Great White Maxima Stirrups

ProductID: 800-0342-M
  • Great White Maxima Stirrups
  • Great White Maxima Stirrups
  • Great White Maxima Stirrups
  • Great White Maxima Stirrups
Customer Service
For product pricing and information, please call our Customer Service Team at 781-531-9164 or fill out the Request a Quote form.

Increase your surgeons’ operating room performance with the Great White Maxima Stirrups which permit simple adjustment of lithotomy and abduction intraoperatively. Exclusive axial rotation from the handle for superior patient positioning. Great White Maxima Stirrups range of motion is -30° low lithotomy to 80° high lithotomy. Adduction -9°, abduction 25° and also externally rotates out 20°, with the control to lock the stirrup anywhere in between. The Great White ships fully assembled. Boot pads are included. Two required SpringLoc Clamps sold separately.

  • Exclusive axial rotation from the handle for superior patient positioning
  • A wide boot and a stronger gas cylinder make this stirrup perfect for your heaviest patients
  • 800 lb (363 kg) surgical patient weight capacity
  • Boot free-floats throughout each range reducing the risk of superficial nerve injury
  • Lithotomy and length indicators help to position and reposition the legs
  • Extended lateral boot design helps reduce the risk of peroneal nerve injury

Required Accessory: Purchase Two
SpringLoc Clamp

Optional Accessories
Great White® Stirrup Dolly
Great White® Stirrup Wall Rack
Repl. Bariatric Boot Pads

Available Combo Deals


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1.4497471 seconds
# Seconds Since First Hit Trace Command Type Command Text Parameters Execution Time
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[dbo].[PageUrlLoadByPrimaryKey] 2
Cache Key Cache Value
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