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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning
Schure Foot for Total Knee Replacement, Stainless Steel

Schure Foot for Total Knee Replacement, Stainless Steel

ProductID: 800-0062
Customer Service
For product pricing and information, please call our Customer Service Team at 781-531-9164 or fill out the Request a Quote form.

New TKR leg holder design offers the same secure positioning as the stainless steel model without the concerns of radiopacity. Easily mounts to operating room side rails using the Schure Socket XL, letting the surgeon replace the entire knee while the patient’s foot is held firmly in place.

  • Disposable, conductive, foot pad included
  • Not made with natural rubber latex
  • Now available in radiolucent, clear Lexan as well
  • Patient’s well-leg lies flat
  • Required Schure Socket XL sold separately

Required Accessory
Schure Socket XL

Optional Accessory
Disposable Replacement Pads


Available Combo Deals


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Database Activity Repeated Calls Shipping Rates Performance Tracking Cache Storage Session Storage
2.4120358 seconds
# Seconds Since First Hit Trace Command Type Command Text Parameters Execution Time
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Command Hits
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[dbo].[PageUrlLoadByPrimaryKey] 2
Cache Key Cache Value
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