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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning

SchureMed Announces SCA Affiliation

SchureMed (Braintree, MA) who manufactures and markets surgical Patient Positioning devices along with Claflin Medical Equipment (Warwick, RI) a leading medical equipment specialist company serving hospitals, clinics, surgical centers, and general practices has signed an Agreement with Surgical Care Affiliates (Hover, AL) to supply high quality innovative surgical positioning products to 150 SCA Members through March 31, 2015.

Surgical Care Affiliates (SCA) partners with leading physicians and health systems to provide outstanding patient care and value to our healthcare system. Our affiliated physicians perform more than 750,000 surgeries and procedures each year in 150 facilities across 32 states.

SchureMed is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of operating room products specializing in surgical table accessories and positioners. All of our products are proudly made in the United States in our Braintree, Massachusetts manufacturing plant and shipped worldwide.
Claflin Medical Equipment is a regionally and national recognized medical equipment and supplies sale company. We are a medical and hospital equipment sales leader that strives to provide our customers with the best online product selection and customer service sale support. Having been in the medical supplies business for nearly two centuries, we have created a name for ourselves by providing professional service, installation and knowledgeable support for thousands of medical equipment products.

SchureMed and Claflin are proud to join with Surgical Care Affiliates to achieve their common goals of financial, clinical and operational effectiveness for many years to come.

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