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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning

Convoluted Foam Cushion

ProductID: 809-0786
Customer Serivce
For product pricing and information, please call our Customer Service Team at 781-531-9164 or fill out the Request a Quote form.

An enconomical foam cushion that provides resident comfort and pressure relief.

  • Soft foam provides pressure relief
  • Available in two heights to meet a range of needs
  • Stable surface for residents who have difficulty in maintaining upper trunk control
  • Light weight and can be used under all temperature conditions
  • Optional Low-Shear II wipe-clean outer cover reduces skin damaging friction

Click here for Replacement Covers

California Residents: Proposition 65 Warning

Available Combo Deals


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Database Activity Repeated Calls Shipping Rates Performance Tracking Cache Storage Session Storage
2.1672822 seconds
# Seconds Since First Hit Trace Command Type Command Text Parameters Execution Time
1. 0 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[VirtualCatalogLoadBySiteDomain]
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4. 0.1414734 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, Product.MetaTitle As PageTitle, Product.MetaDescription As show - 0.0156174
5. 0.1414734 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, Product.MetaTitle As PageTitle, Product.MetaDescription As show - 0
6. 0.1414734 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text SELECT TOP(1) ID, Content FROM HTMLMiscContent WHERE SiteID = 1 AND ContentKey = 'Header - Alert Bar show - 0
7. 0.2671216 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text DECLARE @StartingID INT; SET @StartingID = 0; DECLARE @Tree TABLE(TreeID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, show - 0.031249
8. 0.2992057 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text DECLARE @StartingID INT; SET @StartingID = 0; DECLARE @Tree TABLE(TreeID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, show - 0.0315572
9. 0.4758402 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[PageUrlLoadByPrimaryKey] @PageUrl=/convoluted-foam-cushion.html
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14. 0.7664542 DBInterface.get_oSQL show StoredProcedure [dbo].[ImageLoadByProductKey] @ProductID=771
15. 0.8765313 DBInterface.get_oSQL show StoredProcedure [dbo].[ProductRelationshipListByProductID] @ProductID=771
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19. 1.7579703 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[AttributesDistinctByProductID] @ProductId=771
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21. 2.0251874 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[Cart_LoadByUserID] @UserID=6b02eba2-c10e-4457-91e9-0bea4ab5999d
Total DB Execution Time 1.9684294
Command Hits
SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, Product.MetaTitle As PageTitle, Product.MetaDescription As PageMetaDesc, Product.MetaKeywords As PageMetaKwords, Product.Title As PageHeading, '' As PageContent, '' As PageContent2, '' As PageContent3, '' As PageContent4, '' As PageContent5, '' As PageContent6, '' As StartDate, '' As EndDate, '' As Thumbnail, 0 As NumLatestArticles, 0 As HasArticles, '' As UserControl, 0 As PageLayout FROM PageURLs LEFT OUTER JOIN Product ON PageURLs.EntityID = Product.ProductID WHERE PageURLs.PageURL = '/convoluted-foam-cushion.html' AND PageURLs.Type='product' 2
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[dbo].[PageUrlLoadByPrimaryKey] 2
Cache Key Cache Value
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  • PageManager_Cache_PageLinks
  • About Us
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  • ECOM.WebForms.BRS.CMS.VirtualSiteProperties
    PageManager_Cache_MiscContent System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String]
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    Load Time:2.1672822s  |  Database Hits: 21