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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning

Stretcher Pads

Our selection of quality pads for medical stretchers meet the highest standards for patient comfort and safety. Whether you need them for your newly acquired stretchers or require replacement pads, you will find that our selection is suitable for all kinds of applications.

Our standard stretcher pads are covered with Lectrolite fabric, which is a type of conductive fabric that helps control electrostatic discharge and prevent interference with sensitive electronic medical equipment. Furthermore, this type of fabric is fluid-proof and features anti-microbial qualities to prevent the risk of infection.

For the patient’s maximum comfort, our line of stretcher foam pads come in a “waterfall design,” a feature that eliminates the top-edge seam design usually found on other pads. Aside from providing the patient with a more comfortable pad, this also reduces the risk of infection. Additionally, the stretcher pad’s rounded-corner design makes it suitable for any type of stretcher.

Click here to view the descriptions of the available padding styles and covering materials. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

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2.1511845 seconds
# Seconds Since First Hit Trace Command Type Command Text Parameters Execution Time
1. 0 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure SiteSettings_Load - 0.0156099
2. 0.0533965 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[VirtualCatalogLoadBySiteDomain]
3. 0.0533965 DBInterface.get_oSQL show StoredProcedure [dbo].[VirtualSitePropertiesLoadBySiteID] @SiteID=1
4. 1.218738 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, CASE WHEN Category.MetaTitle='' THEN Category.CategoryName show - 0.0156217
5. 1.2343692 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure Content_LoadMiscContent - 0
6. 1.2343692 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, CASE WHEN Category.MetaTitle='' THEN Category.CategoryName show - 0
7. 1.2499902 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text SELECT TOP(1) ID, Content FROM HTMLMiscContent WHERE SiteID = 1 AND ContentKey = 'Header - Alert Bar show - 0.015621
8. 1.2662268 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure Content_LoadPageLinks - 0.0162366
9. 1.2975124 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text DECLARE @StartingID INT; SET @StartingID = 0; DECLARE @Tree TABLE(TreeID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, show - 0.0156312
10. 1.3287593 DBInterface.GetDataT show Text DECLARE @StartingID INT; SET @StartingID = 0; DECLARE @Tree TABLE(TreeID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, show - 0.0312469
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15. 1.3926698 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[DefaultSearchAttributeGetByUserID] @g_UserID =0ac85a7d-dcc9-4156-9556-73dabea71c00
16. 1.3926698 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[CategoryListByParentKey] @CategoryID=20
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18. 1.4872407 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[DefaultSearchAttributeGetByUserID] @g_UserID =0ac85a7d-dcc9-4156-9556-73dabea71c00
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20. 1.5028867 DBInterface.get_oSQL show StoredProcedure [dbo].[CategoryLoadByPrimaryKey] @CategoryId=20
21. 1.5028867 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[PageUrlLoadByPrimaryKey] @PageUrl=/stretcher-pads/default.aspx
22. 1.5028867 DBInterface.get_oSQL show StoredProcedure [dbo].[CategoryLoadByPrimaryKey] @CategoryId=20
23. 1.5185217 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[DefaultSearchAttributeGetByUserID] @g_UserID =0ac85a7d-dcc9-4156-9556-73dabea71c00
24. 1.7393095 DBInterface.GetDataS show StoredProcedure [dbo].[getFilteredProductListWithPaging] @UserID=0ac85a7d-dcc9-4156-9556-73dabea71c00
@FilterProductsXML=<filters />
25. 1.7393095 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[getProductAttributesList] - 0
26. 1.7861924 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure [dbo].[Cart_LoadByUserID] @UserID=0ac85a7d-dcc9-4156-9556-73dabea71c00
27. 1.8180337 DBInterface.GetDataT show StoredProcedure BreadcrumbByPageUrlByUser @UserId=0ac85a7d-dcc9-4156-9556-73dabea71c00
Total DB Execution Time 0.3939932
Command Hits
SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, CASE WHEN Category.MetaTitle='' THEN Category.CategoryName ELSE Category.MetaTitle END As PageTitle, Category.MetaDescription As PageMetaDesc, Category.MetaKeywords As PageMetaKwords, Category.CategoryName As PageHeading, '' As PageContent, '' As PageContent2, '' As PageContent3, '' As PageContent4, '' As PageContent5, '' As PageContent6, '' As StartDate, '' As EndDate, '' As Thumbnail, 0 As NumLatestArticles, 0 As HasArticles, '' As UserControl, 0 As PageLayout FROM PageURLs LEFT OUTER JOIN Category ON PageURLs.EntityID = Category.CategoryID WHERE PageURLs.PageURL = '/stretcher-pads/default.aspx' AND PageURLs.Type='category' 2
DECLARE @StartingID INT; SET @StartingID = 0; DECLARE @Tree TABLE(TreeID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Level INT, ParentTreeID INT, [Path] VARCHAR(2000), PageID_Path VARCHAR(2000), PageID INT NOT NULL); DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Level INT, @DelCount INT; SET NOCOUNT ON; SET @Level = 0; INSERT INTO @Tree(PageID, Level) VALUES (@StartingID, @Level); SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT; UPDATE @Tree SET Path = STR(TreeID, 10, 0) + '.', PageID_Path = CAST(PageID AS VARCHAR(10)) + '\'; WHILE @RowCount > 0 BEGIN SET @Level = @Level + 1; INSERT INTO @Tree(Level, ParentTreeID, PageID) SELECT @Level, t.TreeId, PageURLs.ID FROM PageURLs LEFT OUTER JOIN @Tree t ON ISNULL(PageURLs.ParentID,0) = t.PageID AND t.Level = (@Level - 1) INNER JOIN HTMLContent ON HTMLContent.ID = PageURLs.EntityID LEFT OUTER JOIN HTMLContent_XREF ON HTMLContent.ID = HTMLContent_XREF.ContentID WHERE 1=1 AND ( 1=1 AND HTMLContent.SiteID = 1 AND PageURLs.[Type] = 'content' AND HTMLContent.IsMenuItem = 'True' AND @Level <= 20 ) ORDER BY COALESCE(OrderPriority, 1000), PageKey ; SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT; UPDATE t1 SET t1.[Path] = t2.[Path] + STR(t1.TreeID, 10, 0) + '.', t1.PageID_Path = t2.PageID_Path + CAST(t1.PageID AS VARCHAR(10)) + '\' FROM @Tree t1 INNER JOIN @Tree t2 ON t1.ParentTreeID = t2.TreeID WHERE t1.Level = @Level AND t2.PageID_Path NOT LIKE '%' + CAST(t1.PageID AS VARCHAR(10)) + '\%'; DELETE FROM @Tree WHERE PageID_Path IS NULL; SET @DelCount = @@ROWCOUNT; SET @RowCount = (@RowCount - @DelCount); END; SELECT [Path], t.PageID, t.Level , (SELECT COUNT(HTMLContent_XREF1.ID) FROM HTMLContent_XREF AS HTMLContent_XREF1 LEFT JOIN HTMLArticles AS HTMLArticles1 ON HTMLContent_XREF1.ContentID = HTMLArticles1.ContentID LEFT JOIN HTMLContent AS HTMLContent1 ON HTMLContent1.ID = HTMLContent_XREF1.ContentID WHERE HTMLContent_XREF1.ParentContentID = HTMLContent.ID AND (HTMLContent1.IsMenuItem = 'True' OR HTMLContent1.ID IS NULL) AND HTMLArticles1.ID IS NULL) As NumChildren, HTMLContent.ID, HTMLContent.PageKey, HTMLContent.IsMenuItem, HTMLContent.MenuText, HTMLContent.MenuURL, HTMLContent.PageHeading, HTMLContent.HasArticles, HTMLContent_XREF.ParentContentID FROM @Tree t INNER JOIN PageURLs ON t.PageID = PageURLs.ID INNER JOIN HTMLContent ON HTMLContent.ID = PageURLs.EntityID LEFT OUTER JOIN HTMLContent_XREF ON HTMLContent.ID = HTMLContent_XREF.ContentID WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY [Path] ; 2
[dbo].[DefaultSearchAttributeGetByUserID] 4
[dbo].[PageUrlLoadByPrimaryKey] 3
[dbo].[CategoryLoadByPrimaryKey] 3
BreadcrumbByPageUrlByUser 2
Cache Key Cache Value
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  • PageManager_Cache_PageLinks
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  • ECOM.WebForms.BRS.CMS.VirtualSiteProperties
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    Load Time:2.1511845s  |  Database Hits: 27