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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning

Patient Positioning Pads

Our current line of positioning pads offers three general options: Coated, Disposable and Gel Pads. Each type has specific features that allow facilities to choose according to their needs.

Our Coated Pads come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some also come in specific angles for easier access to the injured area. These are reusable radiolucent pads with anti-microbial coating. Our Gel Pads that reduce the risk of decubitus ulcers caused by sheer friction.

We also have disposable versions of some of our coated pads, including donut and wedge pads. If your medical facility requires custom sizes, please let us know. We will be glad to assist you with your positioning pad requirements.


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Database Activity Repeated Calls Shipping Rates Performance Tracking Cache Storage Session Storage
0.1735577 seconds
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Total DB Execution Time 0.0479208
Command Hits
SELECT TOP(1) '0' AS ArticleID, 0 As ID, CASE WHEN Category.MetaTitle='' THEN Category.CategoryName ELSE Category.MetaTitle END As PageTitle, Category.MetaDescription As PageMetaDesc, Category.MetaKeywords As PageMetaKwords, Category.CategoryName As PageHeading, '' As PageContent, '' As PageContent2, '' As PageContent3, '' As PageContent4, '' As PageContent5, '' As PageContent6, '' As StartDate, '' As EndDate, '' As Thumbnail, 0 As NumLatestArticles, 0 As HasArticles, '' As UserControl, 0 As PageLayout FROM PageURLs LEFT OUTER JOIN Category ON PageURLs.EntityID = Category.CategoryID WHERE PageURLs.PageURL = '/patient-positioning-pads/default.aspx' AND PageURLs.Type='category' 2
[dbo].[DefaultSearchAttributeGetByUserID] 2
Cache Key Cache Value
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