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Innovative Solutions in Advanced Surgical Positioning

GSA Affiliation

SchureMed is now affiliated with the GSA
Schuerch Corporation, DBA SchureMed, a surgical equipment manufacturer and maker of pati ent positioning devices, is proud to announce that the GSA recently awarded SchureMed Contractor status with GSA, the U.S. General Services Administration, in July of 2011. SchureMed’s contract with GSA runs through June of 2016.

Why did GSA pick SchureMed?
The biggest reasons SchureMed is now affiliated with the General Services Administration are experience and innovation. SchureMed was founded in 1995 by its CEO and President, Peter Schuerch. His extensive working experience in operating rooms inspired him to invent and patent patient positioners for a wide variety of surgical procedures. SchureMed continually collaborates with surgeons and O.R. nurses to improve their productivity, insure patient and staff safety and comfort, while innovating as new procedures are developed in various disciplines. SchureMed already does business with an extensive client base of VA/military medical centers like James A. Haley/Tamp, Bethesda Naval MC, Blanchard Army Hospital/ Kentucky and VA San Francisco to name a few.

What does affiliation with GSA mean?
The SchureMed / GSA-affiliation is a supply contract with the Federal Government to provide patient positioning devices and equipment to the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and military hospitals and clinics. Further, the affiliation means that SchureMed’s complete suite of patient positioning products and equipment can be accessed by any federal facility through the GSA Advantage website and simply do all their ordering online. GSA affiliation also means that federal facilities can rely on the vendors having been thoroughly vetted by the agency and that SchureMed is held accountable to the core values and goals of the GSA mission itself.

Who is the GSA?
GSA oversees the business of the U.S. federal government. GSA’s acquisition solutions and policies supply federal purchasers and their facilities with cost-effective, high-quality products and services from commercial vendors, like SchureMed. Established in 1949 by President Harry S. Truman, the GSA was created to streamline the administrative process of the federal government. Today, the GSA mission is to determine and use outside expertise to provide innovative and collaborative solutions for their customers who, in turn, will use the excellence and forward-leaning expertise uncovered by the GSA in support of their own missions and goals. In developing strategic partnerships with industry, the GSA helps their federal agencies meet their increasingly difficult resource constraints and lays the groundwork for responsible decision-making.

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