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Radiation Eyewear Information

CE Compliance
The CE mark is a mandatory European mark for certain product groups to indicate conformity with the essential health and safety requirements set out in European Directives.

The letters ‘CE’ are an abbreviation of Conformité Européenne, French for European conformity. The CE mark must be affixed to a product if it falls under the scope of the approx. 20 so-called ‘New Approach’ Directives. Without the CE marking, and thus without complying with the provisions of the Directives, the product may not be placed in the market or put into service in the 15 member states of the European Union and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. However, if the product meets the provisions of the applicable European Directives, and the CE mark is affixed to a product, these countries may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing in the market or putting into service of the product. Thus, CE marking can be regarded as the products trade passport for Europe.

The CE mark refers to the safety of a product. Unlike many voluntary certifications for quality, the CE mark is a safety marking and is mandatory for the product to which it applies. CE indicates conformity with mandatory European safety requirements. European conformity is certified by following clear and understandable procedures, the so-called ‘conformity assessment procedures.

The CE mark refers to the safety of a product. Unlike many voluntary certifications for quality, the CE mark is a safety marking and is mandatory for the product to which it applies. CE indicates conformity with mandatory European safety requirements. European conformity is certified by following clear and understandable procedures, the so-called ‘conformity assessment procedures.’?Compliance with the CE Marking Requirements
CE marking directives specify the minimum level of performance for products sold within the European Union (EU). Compliance is demonstrated with the manufacturer affixing the CE Marking to their products, indicating that their product conforms to the essential requirements of all applicable directives. In addition to the official CE Marking on the product, manufacturers must issue a Declaration of Conformity specifying which directives apply for their products, the basis on which this conformity is claimed and that the products meet these requirements.?
The CE mark refers to the safety of a product. Unlike many voluntary certifications for quality, the CE mark is a safety marking and is mandatory for the product to which it applies. CE indicates conformity with mandatory European safety requirements. European conformity is certified by following clear and understandable procedures, the so-called ‘conformity assessment procedures.’?Compliance with the CE Marking Requirements
CE marking directives specify the minimum level of performance for products sold within the European Union (EU). Compliance is demonstrated with the manufacturer affixing the CE Marking to their products, indicating that their product conforms to the essential requirements of all applicable directives. In addition to the official CE Marking on the product, manufacturers must issue a Declaration of Conformity specifying which directives apply for their products, the basis on which this conformity is claimed and that the products meet these requirements.?
The CE mark refers to the safety of a product. Unlike many voluntary certifications for quality, the CE mark is a safety marking and is mandatory for the product to which it applies. CE indicates conformity with mandatory European safety requirements. European conformity is certified by following clear and understandable procedures, the so-called ‘conformity assessment procedures.’?Compliance with the CE Marking Requirements
CE marking directives specify the minimum level of performance for products sold within the European Union (EU). Compliance is demonstrated with the manufacturer affixing the CE Marking to their products, indicating that their product conforms to the essential requirements of all applicable directives. In addition to the official CE Marking on the product, manufacturers must issue a Declaration of Conformity specifying which directives apply for their products, the basis on which this conformity is claimed and that the products meet these requirements.??
The CE mark refers to the safety of a product. Unlike many voluntary certifications for quality, the CE mark is a safety marking and is mandatory for the product to which it applies. CE indicates conformity with mandatory European safety requirements. European conformity is certified by following clear and understandable procedures, the so-called ‘conformity assessment procedures.’?Compliance with the CE Marking Requirement

CE marking directives specify the minimum level of performance for products sold within the European Union (EU). Compliance is demonstrated with the manufacturer affixing the CE Marking to their products, indicating that their product conforms to the essential requirements of all applicable directives. In addition to the official CE Marking on the product, manufacturers must issue a Declaration of Conformity specifying which directives apply for their products, the basis on which this conformity is claimed and that the products meet these requirements.

Warning Notice
Pulse Radiation Protection Eyewear is designed and manufactured for X-ray shielding only. Please note, even if worn appropriately, there is always the possibility of eye injury from all types of hazards, including severe impact or exposure to projectiles. These are beyond the ability of the eyewear to protect your eyes. This eyewear was not designed for impact or exposure to projectiles or exposure to any bodily fluids.

If damage does occur to ANY part of the glasses or frames, it is strongly recommended that they are not worn again, and are returned immediately to Pulse Medical Inc. Eye injuries may occur if the eyewear is damaged by any means and continues to be worn. Please contact Customer Service immediately at 888-724-8763.


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